Jetfire Debug Panel

Modified on 2011/07/19 23:07 by Charles — Categorized as: Debug, Jetfire Administration, Library, Website Design

Jetfire Debug Panel

The Jetfire Debug Panel is used to debug Web 2.0 enabled applications for the website. The panel is used by the System Administrator to debug Jetfire issues.

Getting Started

Before the Jetfire Debug Panel can be used, it progresses through a series of stages:

  1. If the user is not logged into CMS, the Jetfire Debug Panel prompts the user to login. The user sees the CMS Login Prompt.
    • The user MUST be logged in as a CMS User to use the Jetfire Debug Panel.
  2. If the Jetfire Debug Panel requires that the CMS User have an Admin role, then the CMS Admin Role Required message is displayed. This user may not access the Jetfire Debug Panel.
  3. If the Jetfire Admin Panel requires that the user be logged in as a Jetfire User, then the Jetfire Debug Panel prompts the user with the Jetfire Login form.
  4. When the login requirements are met, The Jetfire Debug Panel is displayed.


Figure: CMS Login Prompt


Figure: CMS Admin Role Required Message


Figure: Jetfire Login Prompt

Multiple Subscriptions

Jetfire supports multiple subscriptions at the same time. The 'Subscription' displayed in various Web Parts identifies the subscription database where application content is being stored.

Each Jetfire Debug Panel supports only one subscription that is defined by the Subscription Default website configuration parameter.

Using the Jetfire Debug Panel

The WebMaster Jetfire Debug Panel provides

Figure: Start with the Jetfire Debug Panel

Jetfire Database Tools

Web Parts for Jetfire Database Tools include:

Jetfire Server Tools

Web Parts for Jetfire Database Tools include:

Jetfire Nexus Tools

Web Parts for Jetfire Nexus Tools include:

Jetfire Code Tools

Web Parts for Jetfire Code Tools include:

Jetfire Debug Panel Web Parts Summary

Image Figure: Jetfire Debug Panel - Web Parts displayed

This is a summary of Web Parts configured on this page. The summary shows the title, description and access roles for each Web Part. Web Parts are listed alphabetically

Title: Add Jetfire Code Files
Title: Admin Help Index
Title: Change Root Status
Title: Client Nexus Dashboard
Title: Copy Database Table
Title: Delete Workflow Dependencies
Title: Find Guid
Title: Find Guid in DB
Title: Jetfire Code Versions
Title: Jetfire Debug Panel
Title: Jetfire Incidents
Title: Monitor Cache
Title: Nexus Sanity Tests
Title: Refresh Search Tables
Title: Root Workflows in Jetfire Database
Title: Run Garbage Collector
Title: Run Self Test
Title: Sanitize Database Guids
Title: Scan Jetfire Database
Title: Scrub Lists
Title: Server Nexus Dashboard
Title: Server Nexus Users (All Subscriptions)
Title: Test DB Schema
Title: Update Jetfire Database Schema
Title: Workflows per Code Class